By observing the daily life of an elderly couple, we realize love has different stages and that it’s often hidden in simple everyday gestures.
Duisburger Filmwoche - Competition - "Carte Blanche" Award for first and second films
Visioni dal Mondo 2023 - Italian Competition
This old couple, Elke and Klaus, they are my grandparents. I spent almost all my summer vacations with them. Since the moment I started to imagine my future, I dreamt of having a relationship like theirs. One for life. I have idealized love a lot in different phases. Especially in the last years, when I had to end a difficult relationship. I often wondered if I could be enough for another person, if someone could love me at all. This is because I have often failed in relationships. I am afraid to commit to someone because that person is then capable of hurting me. I don't think it's just me. Many people around me just can't have a long-lasting relationship. Do we, young people, idealize too much long-lasting love? What do we even expect? It seems that we are always looking for butterflies in our stomach, but often the person for life is right next to us, I think. This film was a sort of research for me, a search for answers. An observation and analysis of the love of my grandparents. I wanted to understand the mechanisms that lead to a lifelong relationship. I may not really understand them now, but I am beginning to sense them. I think love is much simpler than I imagined! It is perhaps a mix of causality, decision and perseverance. Or?
Country of production: Italy
Shooting Format(s): HD 1080@25p
Original Master Format: HD 1080@25p
Aspect ratio: 1.85:1
Screening Format: DCP, Apple ProRes or any on request
Audio Format: Stereo (2.0)
Running time: 44’
Subtitles available: English / Italian
Director: Lilian Sassanelli
Cinematographer: Anna Schweitzer
Editor: Lucija Ana Ilijić
Soundrecordist: Angela Disanto