2016 - 60' - Dialect (Available subtitles: English, Italian, German)
Due fratelli, un padre esuberante dalla forte personalità, una madre invisibile, ma perennemente presente nella sua assenza. Una famiglia contadina in una valle alpina che vive di frutticultura e viticultura dove tutti parlano un dialetto greve quanto lo sono i modi di fare. Gim ha 19 anni: da tempo ha scoperto faticosamente di essere omosessuale. Sa che questa realtà si scontra con i valori e le convinzioni più diffuse nel suo mondo. Decide, fra infinite titubanze, di affrontare le critiche aggressive del padre e di imporgli la propria condizione anche se consapevole di farlo soffrire. A sostenerlo è il fratello maggiore Alex che cerca di spronarlo a non piangersi addosso, ad accettarsi com’è e allo stesso tempo sa di dover portare avanti le trazioni del padre. Al di là delle del suo atteggiamento aggressivamente sicuro, Alex si sente responsabile con se stesso e con il padre per la fragilità del fratello e per l’infelicità distruttiva che attraversa la loro vita insieme. Sapranno continuare a vivere insieme accettandosi per quello che ognuno di loro è, nel bene e nel male?
Cecilia Bozza Wolf
Cecilia Bozza Wolf was born in 1989 in Trento (Italy). In 2012 she graduated in Art, Music and Drama, at the University of Padua and wrote her degree thesis on Federico Fellini, entitled “Il Dolce Mezzo”. It was published by the foundation Federico Fellini located in Rimini. She is currently doing a Master degree in Drama, Film and New Media at the University of Padua where, from 2011 to 2013, she worked as a camera operator for some local companies and the private network TV200. In the same period she produced two short institutional videos in collaboration with the Municipality of Padua and worked as a cinematographer on a documentary about John Strasberg and his training method for actors. Since 2013 she has been working on “Hard Rock Mountain”, a project for a documentary about young mountain rock bands in northern Italy. In January 2014 she was commenced by ZeLIG, a documentary, television and new media school in Bolzano, where she is expecting to graduate in 2016. Over this period of time she did an internship in the directing department of the film “Mountain” by Amir Naderi.
Alex Grassi
Alex Grassi was born on the 10th July 1993 in Vipiteno, in South Tyrol, Italy, speaking both native languages (Italian, German). Since 2007 he practices wildlife and nature photography, reaching the final of the Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year in 2010. Worked in small video productions indipendently and partecipated in photoand video contests. In 2014 he joined the Camera Class in the ZeLIG School for Documentary Film and New Media in Bolzano, Italy.
Pierpaolo Filomeno
Pierpaolo Filomeno was born in 1990 in Puglia. He’s graduated in Foreign Languages at Università degli Studi di Perugia, with a degree thesis about webdocumentary. He worked for the video production company Crunk Prod in Paris between 2012 and 2013. Currently he lives in Bolzano where he attends the editing class at ZeLIG School for Documentary film. In 2015 he worked as assistant editor of Marie-Hélène Dozo on the film “Wrong Elements” directed by Jonathan Littell, selected at Festival de Cannes 2016.

Country of production: Italy
Original Format: 1080 @ 25
Screening Format: File / Blu-ray Disc/ DVD/DCP
Aspect ratio: 2.39:1
Running time: 60'
Subtitles available: Italian / English / German
Director: Cecilia Bozza Wolf
Cinematographer: Cecilia Bozza Wolf, Alex Grassi
Editor: Pierpaolo Filomeno
Soundrecordist: Loris Frismon
Sound designer: Riccardo Spagnol