2016 - 68' - Khmer/English (Available subtitles: English, Italian, German)
A quarant’anni dall’inizio del regime dei khemer rossi: Kim Hak, giovane e talentuoso fotntuoso fotografo cambogiano, cerca un nuovo immaginario per il suo paese. La sua carriera inizia da alcune fotografie di famiglia nascoste sotto terra dalla madre prima della guerra e ritrovate solo dopo la sconfitta dei Khemer rossi. Le immagini di Hak ci porteranno in una Cambogia fuori da qualunque luogo comune. Nhem Ein, fotografo di regime dei Khmer Rossi e autore di circa 14.000 fotografie delle vittime del Tuol Sleng, vuole affermarsi come imprenditore del cosiddetto dark tourism. Una delle sue idee su come guadagnare dalle migliaia di fotografie del genocidio, ci sorprenderà amaramente. Un’addetta alle pulizie e un audioguida puliscono ogni giorno la storia della Cambogia nell’unico museo delle cere del paese. Quale immagine proporre della propria storia? Ma soprattutto, cosa farne?
Davide Grotta
Graduated in "Archeaological heritage", he began taking photographs in the world of underwater archaeology. In 2009 he dedicated himself to editorial photography in collaboration with the photojournalistic agency AGF focusing on political and economic issues. For two years he has lived in Phonm Pehn to continue his photograph research. Interested in the relationship between man’s identity and the influence of mass culture, he completed his studies in film directing at ZeLIG – School for documentary.
Alexander Fontana
Alexander Fontana was born in 1989 near Bolzano, north Italy.
By growing up in the Alps, soon he gets in touch with sport, landscape and nature-photography. After a few years as Barkeeper he discovered his real passion for cinematography and cameras. Since March 2014 he attends the ZeLIG – School for documentary.
Gabriele Borghi
Born in 1990 in Mantova (Italy). After the bachelor degree in Sociology at the University of Trento he develops a strong curiosity for the non-fiction storytelling crafts. He works for an independent production company as film editor and location sound mixer. From 2014 to 2016 he studies Editing and Postproduction at ZeLIG - School for documentary, in Bozen, where he edited his first feature-lenght documentary.
- Torino Film Festival
- This human world
- DOK.fest Munich
- Bellaria Film Festival
- Jean Rouch Film Festival
- Poitiers Film Festival
Country of production: Italy
Original Format: HD 1080 25p
Screening Format: DCP, Apple ProRes or any on request
Aspect ratio: 1.85:1
Running time: 68'
Subtitles available: Italian / English / German
Director: Davide Grotta
Cinematographer: Alexander Fontana
Editor: Gabriele Borghi
Soundrecordist: Gabriele Borghi
Assistants director: Hoeung Soeum, Gabriele Borghi