E’ vivamente consigliato l'ascolto in cuffia, per poter vivere la corretta esperienza acustica immersiva, dentro uno degli ecosistemi più complessi e remoti del pianeta.
2016 - 62' - English/ Italian / Spanish (Available subtitles: English, Italian, German)
Original title: DUSK CHORUS – Based on “Fragments of Extinction” by David Monacchi
Un documentario sulla pluriennale ricerca e le recenti registrazioni sul campo effettuate nel gennaio 2016 da David Monacchi, studioso, compositore eco-acustico e artista del suono, che negli ultimi anni ha realizzato “Fragments of Extinction”, un progetto multidisciplinare.
Attraverso la profonda capacità di ascolto che David ci restituisce grazie anche all’impiego della più sofisticata tecnologia di registrazione del suono in 3D è possibile immergersi in uno dei più antichi e primordiali ecosistemi del pianeta, quello della foresta Amazzonica, in Ecuador.
I cambiamenti climatici, la sopraggiunta siccità, la presenza massiccia delle compagnie petrolifere e le difficoltà di allestimento dei sofisticati strumenti di registrazione in un luogo impervio, sono alcuni degli ostacoli con cui David si è dovuto confrontare registrando per la prima volta nella storia, attraverso ritratti sonori dell’intero ciclo circadiano di un ecosistema, un patrimonio acustico ricchissimo e al contempo fragile, perché in via di estinzione. Con lo scopo di diffondere ciò che David sostiene da molti anni, il documentario valorizza gli ecosistemi che contengono il più alto tasso di biodiversità sonora al mondo e che possono essere considerati veri e propri archivi della memoria di milioni di anni di evoluzione sulla terra.
David Monacchi
David Monacchi (1970) is an eco-acoustic composer, researcher and multidisciplinary artist. He has been developing the project Fragments of Extinction for 15 years, conducting field research in the world’s remaining areas of undisturbed primary equatorial forest. The recipient of multiple awards throughout Europe and North America, Monacchi is pioneering a new compositional and science dissemination approach based on 3D soundscape recordings of ecosystems to foster discourse on the biodiversity crisis through educational and sound-art installations. A Fulbright fellow at UC Berkeley (CA) in 2007, he has taught at the University of Macerata (IT) since 2000, and is now professor of Electroacoustics at the Conservatorio
“G. Rossini” of Pesaro (IT).
Nika Šaravanja
Nika Šaravanja is a Croatian documentary filmmaker and visual artist. After studies on the Zagreb School of Economy and Management in Zagreb, she spent many years travelling, doing social work and collaborating and exhibiting with various artists and NGO's. She was the owner and curator of Etikart galley in Rovinj and she has also worked as a yoga and snowboarding teacher for many years. She graduated on the Zelig school for documentary and new media in directing class and her work consists of mainly social impact & environmental oriented documentaries. "Dusk Chorus- based on fragments of extinction" was her first feature documentary. She is currently living in Vienna and working on her second feature film.
Alessandro d'Emilia
Alessandro was born in Rome in 1988. Life took him to live elsewhere, mainly in Mountains, Dolomites. Here he became soon passionate in climbing, skiing and slacklining. Practising these activities he developed a strong interest in the audiovisual sector, in particular remain fascinated by the mysteries of nature, from the unexplored places, the different styles of life and thought of mankind. He is travelling a lot every year, following professional athletes and expedition project all around the world.
In 2016 He graduated in photography at Zelig, school of documentary.
Otis Buri
Otis Buri was born in Vipiteno in 1992. after school he started studying at the Zelig Film School specialising in editing.
Country of production: Italy
Original Format: Full HD
Screening Format: DCP
Aspect ratio: 1.85: 1
Running time: 62'
Subtitles available: Italian / English / German
Concept and writer: David Monacchi
Director: Nika Šaravanja & Alessandro d' Emilia
Cinematographer: Alessandro d'Emilia
Editor: Otis Buri
3D Soundscapes and spectrograms: David Monacchi
Sound design: David Monacchi & Anthony Di Furia
Music: Corrado Fantoni & David Monacchi
Color grading: Alessandro d'Emilia
Graphics: Egle Kirdulyte